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Protect and publish photos and videos
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Certify photos with RightCopy, the first 10 photos will be tracked for free every month, to find out if they have been stolen on the web
RightCopy Project
With RIGHTCOPY now insert your digital passport to photography and show the whole world that you own the photography and video on SOCIAL MEDIA

STARTUP RIGHTCOPY addresses the 4.7 billion smartphone phones that are in circulation, giving life to social networks such as FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE, TIK-TOK , feeding content. Every one of the 4.7 billion owners becomes the key witness to an event that happens throughout the world, from the testimonies of Covid-19 in Wuhan, to the explosions in Beirut, from the revolts in Belarus to fires in Amazonia . We are all witnesses, we all bring the news into the world of information and if we bring the news with a photograph or a video taken from our mobile phone, then we must declare to the whole world that I am the "Creator" of the content it publishes on social or web channels, which the "content" belongs to me and no one can steal without my permission. In the social world OF WHO & Eacute; SHARED PHOTOGRAPH OR VIDEO.
The "RightCopy for everyone" project was created precisely to make a contribution to the world of clarifying, giving transparency and protecting the creator of the "content" with a very simple function of "Insert your passport to photography and video"

Who recorded the video of GEORGE FLOYD's death in United States?
You are angry because your photos are used on INSTAGRAM profiles without your permission. Fight injustice with RIGHTCOPY. With the Startup RIGHTCOPY insert the digital passport to photography and show to the Social World that you are the owner of the photos and videos on Instagram and you hold the copyrights. From today you can share the photograph with your name forever without fear. The World of the Web will know whose photography it is and the price per use. RightCopy "for everyone" project becomes a social service that can largely eliminate illegal or improper contents of Instagram users by inserting the passport identifying the photograph
Your photographs or photos of your works can be found on the FACEBOOK profiles and you are not mentioned that you are the owner and hold the copyright. Let the Social World know that you are the Creator of the content. Startup RIGHTCOPY now insert your digital passport to photography and prove to the Social World that you own the photos and videos. From today you can share the photograph with your name forever without fear. The World of the Web will know whose photography it is and the price per use.
Become a Photojournalist
Sell your photos and videos around the world
Whether you are a professional photographer, a photo or video-amateur, you can earn right away by selling photos and / or unpublished videos on the RightCopy marketplace. In addition to protecting your content, you can decide to sell them on dedicated Marketplace, establishing the price you feel most appropriate.
Share and earns
with RightCopy
Once registered on RightCopy, you can start generating profits by sharing the platform link with whoever you want and on any channel: WhatsApp, Social, Messenger or via email. There are no limits to Sharing, only opportunities!
Right Copy certified photo
User avatar, is used to attribute the photograph to the creator and give him/her more visibility in the world of Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok
It is mandatory to enter the name, surname and nickname to attribute the photograph to the creator and to facilitate the search in the social network
The RightCopy logo is needed to facilitate the search by attributing it to the website
The unique code identifies the registration of the photo on RightCopy website, creating the "photo certificate"
The sale price of the photos set by the user, present on the Righcopy market
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